Silo Season 3

Indeed, the EP affirms that the scenes in Silo Season 3 won’t be as gloomy.

In response to season-long viewer concerns about the post-apocalyptic drama’s too-dark sequences, and in light of the Apple TV+ adaptation’s dramatic, flashbacky Season 2 ending, showrunner Graham Yost confirmed to TVLine that Season 3 will be less visually taxing. Or it will, at least in part.

This is because, as hinted at in the Season 2 finale, a significant portion of the upcoming season will take place in a near-future, pre-dystopian Washington, D.C., and other cities, 300 years in the past. in real structures with real daylight and real weather.

Yost told a story about how his site scouting for Season 3 perplexed a peer when if Season 3 would, in fact, be brighter and easier to see.

“I asked someone who was performing in England at the Austin Television Festival if they had a good location scout or locations person.” “Locations?” she asked after giving me a quick glance. “In Silo?” “Locations, in Silo,” I said,” he remembered, laughing.

Speaking about the sunnier portions of Season 3, Yost stated, “So yes, we will be outdoors, and we will be in the world, and there will be sunshine.”

Having stated that… In Season 3, he said, “We do go back to Silo 17.” “And keep in mind that they don’t have a lot of light there because of a major power problem.”

However, it will shine brightly when Silo does in Season 3.

“[Executive producer/writer] Fred Golan once said, ‘Let’s do everything we can to make the world we see outside beautiful so that we’re reminded of what’s been lost.'”

For some, Season 2 scenes seemed so poorly lit, but Yost had no easy explanation. (Of course, there is the problem that one of the two silos this season has hardly any electricity, and the show is nearly entirely set underground.)

I will not defend it, you see. It just plays that way. Additionally, in a dark editing room, things can appear one way at times,” Yost added. Because movie screens are so bright, the first episode looked amazing when we screened it on a large screen in London. You’ll notice a change, so I just advise everyone to turn up the lights [at home].

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