NYT Mini Crossword Answers for Friday, November 8th, today
The New York Times Mini Crossword answers for November 8 are provided here.
Legendary is the New York Times Crossword Puzzle. However, the Mini Crossword is a fun alternative if you are short on time. Compared to the traditional NYT Crossword, the Mini Crossword is significantly simpler, and you should be able to do it in a few minutes. But we have the solutions if you’re stuck. Check out our Mini Crossword suggestions if you need some pointers and direction for tackling the puzzles every day.
The Times has a large selection of games, including the Mini Crossword. CNET’s NYT puzzle tips page has the answers to today’s Wordle, Connections, and Strands puzzles.
Continue reading: How to Solve the New York Times Mini Crossword.
Now let’s look at the Mini Crossword answers and clues.

The completed NYT Mini Crossword for Nov. 8, 2024.
Mini across clues and answers
1A clue: Boringly dull
Answer: BLAH
5A clue: Take a moment to think
Answer: PAUSE
6A clue: Herb that gives flavor to black jellybeans
Answer: ANISE
7A clue: Conducted, as a campaign
Answer: WAGED
8A clue: Narrow shape of a cat’s pupil
Answer: SLIT
Mini down clues and answers
1D clue: Boringly dull
Answer: BANAL
2D clue: Video game character with an “L” on his hat
Answer: LUIGI
3D clue: Liability’s opposite on a balance sheet
Answer: ASSET
4D clue: Obey, as advice
Answer: HEED
5D clue: Cat’s feet
Answer: PAWS
How to play Mini Crosswords more often,
Only a few of the many online games available in the New York Times Games section are free to play. The Mini Crossword for today is free to play, but in order to play older puzzles from the archives, you must have a Times Games subscription.