US presidential election 2024

Election Day 2024 is here. As voters cast their ballots today, surveys indicate that former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris are tied for the presidency.

According to recent surveys, Harris is expected to win in Vermont, where voters will also choose between candidates for governor, U.S. senator, U.S. representative, and several other positions.

More than 194,000 of Vermont’s more than 500,000 registered voters cast their ballots early, according to data from the Secretary of State and the Associated Press.

Election 2024: Real-time updates Vermont: Here is what’s on your ballot; polls are now open.

Everything you need to know about Election Day is right here.

Today, Tuesday, November 5, is Election Day, and who is at the top of the 2024 US presidential polls?

These are the most recent national polls as of Tuesday morning, while the chances are often shifting:

ABC News/538: According to the final survey, Harris leads Trump by 48% to 46.8%.
270towin: According to a composite of the most recent national polls, Harris is 1.2% ahead of Trump.

Who is now leading Vermont’s election-day presidential polls?

According to the state’s most recent survey, Vermont voters are more inclined to support Vice President Kamala Harris than former President Donald Trump.

Based on a survey of almost 1,200 voters conducted between October 29 and November 2, the University of New Hampshire published its most recent poll of Vermont voters on November 3.

31% of respondents indicated they were voting for Trump, while 63% said they were voting for Harris.

On election day, who does historian Allan Lichtman think will win?

Nine of the past ten U.S. presidential elections have been accurately predicted by Allan Lichtman, a history professor at American University with expertise in contemporary American history and quantitative approaches.

31% of respondents indicated they were voting for Trump, while 63% said they were voting for Harris.

On election day, who does historian Allan Lichtman think will win?

Nine of the past ten U.S. presidential elections have been accurately predicted by Allan Lichtman, a history professor at American University with expertise in contemporary American history and quantitative approaches.

According to Lichtman, Vice President Kamala Harris will emerge victorious in this year’s presidential contest.

“I’ve been doing this for 42 years and every four years I have butterflies in my stomach,” he stated to USA Today. “This year, I think I have a flock of crows in my stomach.”

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