The Art Of Bravely Default II: 201X-2021

The English version of “The Art Of Bravely Default II: 201X-2021” will be available in 2025.

The official Bravely Default II art book will be localized into English by Square Enix and Dark Horse. A hardcover book called The Art of Bravely Default II: 201X-2021 includes concept art and behind-the-scenes information about the creation of the role-playing game from the developers themselves. On April 22, 2025, the book will be released for $50; preorders are being accepted now.

The Art of Bravely Default II: 201X-2021


About 300 pages of concept art, marketing images, and other artwork from Bravely Default II may be found in The Art of Bravely Default II: 201X–2021. In addition to the artwork, the book has first-time English commentary from the Bravely Default development team members. Fans of Dark Horse should keep an eye out for the next Bravely Default art book because the publisher’s first two volumes were excellent.

At Amazon and Barnes & Noble, preorders for The Art of Bravely Default II: 201X–2021 cost $50.

Although the publication date of The Art of Bravely Default II: 201X–2021 is not until April 22, 2025, fans can pass the time by reading through the previously listed art books that cover previous Bravely Default games. Amazon sells the official English version of The Art of Bravely Default for a mere $25. The Art of Bravely Second: End Layer is available for $27 in its localized edition.

Bravely Default II is available for the Nintendo Switch in physical form at Amazon for as little as $29 if you haven’t played it yet. The turn-based role-playing game series’ first two titles were exclusive to the Nintendo 3DS. These days, new copies will cost you more than their $40 initial price. New copies of Bravely Default and Bravely Second: End Layer are available on Amazon for $47 and $50, respectively.

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